History of Samoa


     After the first Europeans came across Samoa the country became a hotspot for war. Countries like Germany, Great Britain, and the U.S. wanted to gain control of Samoa because of its location. The islands served as a great mid-way point for refueling ships and naval bases. In the late 1800s Germany, Britain, and the U.S. signed the General Act of Berlin in 1889. This act essentially determined the island as a neutral territory for the three countries. This was only achieved because a typhoon destroyed all three countries' ships and a war was not possible. In 1899 Great Britain gave up interest in Samoa and the islands were divided up between Germany and the U.S. This divide created Western Samoa, controlled by Germany, and American Samoa.

    In 1914 New Zealand troops occupied Western Samoa. At the end of World War I, The League of Nations gave a mandate over Western Samoa to New Zealand. This was met with a lot of pushback and gave rise to an organization called Mau. Mau was a passive resistance movement that protested for the independence of the country. The organization was outlawed by New Zealand officials, and eleven members of the organization were shot and killed during a peaceful protest by New Zealand officials. This event just made the movement grow stronger.

    In 1962 Western Samoa was granted independence from New Zealand marking them as the first Pacific Island nation to do so. Malietoa Tanumafili II was named King for life of the nation and served as king until he died in 2007. After his death, Samoa became a republic. With this new independence, the country changes its name from Western Samoa to just Samoa becoming the country they are today. The U.S. was not pleased with the name change as they felt it diminished the American Samoan's identity. Today the country is a part of the World Trade Organization and functions as an independent country. The conflicts between Samoa and New Zealand have been put to rest after the New Zealand Prime Minister apologized for the treatment of Samoans during the administration. Today Samoans living in New Zealand have been granted citizenship and conflict is at rest.

    The Coconet TV did a documentary on the history and triumphs of Samoa which can be viewed below. This documentary touches on how Samoa was divided up, German rule, and New Zealand rule, and also how Samoa gained independence. This documentary also covers the killing of the Mau protestors and the deaths of millions from the influenza pandemic after World War I.



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