
Samoans place a high value on education, and it is very important that children in the country complete at least primary schooling. The country has a 98% literacy rate, and it is mandated by the government that children complete at least a full eight grades. There are three levels of education in Samoa, primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary education consists of grades one through eight. Primary schools are present in every village and are government run in tandem with religious organizations. Secondary education is grades nine through thirteen. These schools are located in districts, and students often have to travel from their home islands to the main islands every day to attend. Tertiary education consists of bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees.  There are also several trade programs that are classified as tertiary education. There are two main higher education institutions in Samoa, the College of Tropical Agriculture, and Trades Training College.

In 1994 school attendance was made mandatory for all children between the ages of five to fourteen years of age. This mandate helped get more children educated. At the end of grade eight students take an exam that places them in either secondary school or back in primary school. Students who do not do well on the exam usually drop out. In Samoa there are 139 primary schools, 21 secondary schools, and 4 tertiary schools. With only 21 secondary schools and 4 tertiary schools not every child can get that education due to lack of classroom space. Only the top percentage of students move on to higher education levels. There has been a major emphasis placed on education in recent years which has led to higher graduation rates and literacy rates.

Samoan children are taught in Samoan for the first six years of their education. English taught in grade seven and becomes the primary language used in secondary and tertiary schools. In secondary school the students go through three examinations. Students have to pass all three exams and complete a senior secondary program and pass the Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate Examination to move on to tertiary schools. Only 50.6% of males go on to secondary school and 69.5% of females. The graduation rates for secondary school are above 90%.
Primary school is broken into four terms that are each ten weeks longs. These start in January and end in December. There is a ten-day break in between each term and a seven-week break between terms four and one. The curriculum is modeled after New Zealand and the U.S. Students are taught Samoan and Samoan culture first and then there is a special emphasis put on music, sports, technology, drama, and art. Classes start at 8:30 AM and end at 1:30PM Monday through Friday. Students who need extra help or who are falling behind will be enrolled in afternoon classes from 1:45 PM to 2:45 PM. Students are also expected to wear uniforms to represent the school in a good way. Boys wear shorts and T-shirts, girls wear dressed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday girls wear a shirt and skirt set. The uniforms have to be taken off by 3:00 PM or the student faces consequences. Tuition costs $2,800 annually but there are scholarships and government aid for families since this education is mandatory. Secondary and Tertiary schools are not mandated, and each institution has its own costs and requirements.

Samoa, in the past ten years has made huge strides in education and have placed several mandates to ensure that every child has the chance to get educated. The country is still changing and adapting to further expand the education programs. With more and more Samoans getting educated the average income per household has been rising and poverty levels have been dropping. Violence rates have also been decreasing as the youth are getting more educated. Education has been a driving force in developing and improving the lives of Samoans.


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