Managing Differences |
Before traveling to Samoa begin learning the language for example, how to say hello (Talofa), can you help me (E mafai ona e fesoasoani mai?), and thank you (fa’afetai) in Samoan. While Samoans do speak English learning a few phrases in the native language shows respect and appreciation for the culture. Resources like Samoa Secrets on YouTube and even google translate can be helpful when trying to learn Samoan and how to pronounce words and phrases. It is also important to know what topics are taboo and what is an appropriate casual conversation. Taboo topics can cause tension in the conversation and will lead to bad interactions. The nonverbal gestures that go along with the language are also just as important. In Samoan culture, it is incorrect to make eye contact instead, eye contact should be done in short glances. Also, it is important to never speak to someone standing up while they are sitting down. If the person you choose to speak to is sitting be sure to sit at eye level with them to have a conversation.
Samoans’ religious
beliefs are a very important part of the culture. Villages in Samoa often
have prayer time that is marked by either a bell ringing or a public
announcement. If you are visiting a Samoan village during prayer time, be
respectful and quiet. You can partake in prayer time if you are religious, or
you can quietly meditate or take in the beautiful landscape. Disrespecting this
prayer time will cause immense tension between you and the locals which will lead
to a bad experience. Samoans also believe that humans and nature are one. They
respect the landscape and believe that it is a living soul. If you are
traveling to Samoa, be sure to savor and appreciate the land animals, and plants
the way the natives do. |
If travel to Samoa is
not an option but one is still looking for a similar experience, Hawaii can be an
alternative. Hawaiian culture is not the same as Samoan culture however there
are some similarities. Both cultures also deeply value respect and religion.
Samoan and Hawaiian are both Polynesian
cultures that share a number of religious views and also similar languages. Both
of these destinations are beautiful visually and culturally.
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